Monday, January 19, 2009

Sea World

Before we left for our trip our neighbor gave us tickets to Sea World so while we were visiting my mom in So. California we spent a day with the girls and Baboo there. It was so much fun!

Madelyn Dec. 08

And to be fair here are some cute pics of Madelyn on our vacation. (I just looked at Kaelyn's pics and she is in her pajamas in each one. How funny!)

Kaelyn Dec. 08

I have tried to sit down and do a post about our Christmas Vacation, but have failed numerous times so here are some cute pics of Kaelyn on our trip. We first went to Grandma and Grandpa Dougherty's House in Valley Springs in Northern California and then headed down to Temecula to visit Lolo (my mom) in So. California. It was so fun!!