Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kaelyn says the cutest things

It is funny how different each child is. Everyone always told me that each one would have their own unique personality. Kaelyn and Maddy are sooo different. For example compare the audio clips of Maddy and Kaelyn at the same age. We love having Kaelyn in our family! She is such a happy little baby!!


1 comment:

Alexa said...

WOW! thats a very unique laugh...I think Kaelyn is going to be the chatter mouth because she seems to be full of things to say..maddy on the other hand will laugh a lot... just kidding....umm so yeah check out my blog if you want i dont seem to have very much people looking at very... well just go look at it.. but im not saying you have to just a comment..thing..sooo yeah...CUTE!