I've been tagged by "Tara Lemos" www.ptllemos.blogspot.com/
Okay here are the rules:You link back to the person who tagged you
Post these rules on your blog
Share six unimportant things about yourself
Tag six random people at the end of your entry. Let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs
Enjoy the results!
6 UnImPorTaNt tHinGs aBouT mE....
1.I do not really like chocolate I will eat it on occasion, but put a brownie or piece of chocolate cake in front of me and I have to hold back from gagging.
2.When at BYU I was in the African American Choir on campus for a few semesters (I was one of two who wasn't African American). It was SOOO fun to sing and perform with them.
3.Growing up my family was really big on riding motorcycles. We would go once a month for a long weekend to the desert and ride. I had my own bike and gear and loved to ride on the dunes of Glamis National Park in California or on the beaches of Mexico.
4.I played the oboe for three years in my middle school band.
5.At 18 yrs. of age I broke my jaw and had it wired shut for 4 weeks (lost 20 pounds on the all liquid diet).
6.Got robbed twice on my mission, but the second time I caught the robber off guard and asked him for the items back and he gave them to me. I almost passed out it was so intense!
I tag Melanie, Raena, Rachel, Heidi, and Gina
I didn't know you served a mission. Where did you go? I served in Tacoma Washington. That is so funny that the robber gave you your stuff back.
You go girl! I don't mean to be the party pooper but since I just posted a tag, I'm not that interesting, and since my blog isn't really about me I'm going to have to decline for now. But if you'd like, remind me in a month and I'll be happy to oblige.
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