Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mommy Memories

I don't remember Maddy being as messy as Kaelyn is when it comes to eating. Her favorite thing is to chew on her bib in between bites and then jerk her head away just as I put the spoon in her mouth which makes the food fly everywhere. Then when I am trying to wipe her face off she turns her head 90 degrees so I can't see her chin. She sure has fun eating this way, but as you can see from the picture not much ends up in her tummy.

I was doing the dishes a couple of days ago while Kaelyn was laying in her swing. When I turned around to check on her she had pulled herself up into a sitting position and was smiling as she was holding on to these two handles. It reminded me of riding a ride at an amusement park. Watching her swinging back and forth and laughing. Such a big girl!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your girls do not look a like do they? so cute, can't believe how big they are getting!