Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Purple Treasure

A friend of ours moved houses over the weekend and gave us a few things one of which was a purple felt designer hat. It has gotten lots of use in our house this weekend. The girls have loved their new found treasure!

I went into the other room and this is what Kaelyn was doing when I came out.
Maddy even surprised us with an impromptu magician act (see video below).


Julie Fletcher said...

So cute. Also Maddy and Brie have the exact same pants. We will have to bring them when we come down.

Francisca and Chris said...

Man alive those girls are growing! Very cute might I add. Katelyn was still a baby when we left.

Thad and Julie said...

I often ask myself..."Why do I even bother buying toys?"

Hey howdy hey! How are you?