Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What happens everyday at 2:00 here at our house?

Ever since Kaelyn has learned how to walk our house literally gets torn apart everyday. Madelyn has her messes that she makes, but overall is a tidy person (for example she on average has a pile of napkins by her plate at dinner time from constantly wiping her mouth). Kaelyn is our little mess maker.

Since I run an in-home business from 3-6 PM everyday, everyday I have the ritual of cleaning my home spotless right before lessons(I am sure most of you with kids do this as well).

I wanted to post this post for memory sake so years from now I will remember what I did everyday at 2:00 during this time of my life (and this isn't a bad day). Or when I am missing my kids when they are grown up and gone I can look back at this post and not miss them as much?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kaelyn Is Growing Up

Kaelyn has been surprising us everyday with all the big girl things she does. Before I forget some of them I needed to write them down.
  • We went for a second ultrasound a few days ago and Kaelyn came along with Grandma and I. As soon as the baby appeared on the screen she said "Baby, Sister, Baby" and then pointed to my tummy and said "Baby". Then as then finished with the ultrasound she looked up at the screen and said, "Bye, bye baby!".
  • Yesterday while shopping Maddy and I would ask her to say a word and she would repeat it the best she could.
  • Last night she pointed to her diaper and said "poo, poo". She didn't have a dirty diaper so I put her on the potty and a few minutes later she went poo, poo. Then she did the same thing this morning and she went pee, pee. At only 19 months!
  • Tonight I asked the girls who would like to say the prayer and Kaelyn said, "Me". I told her what to say and she repeated a few words from each phrase and kept her arms folded the whole time.
  • She understands about everything we ask her of her and follows instructions really well.
  • She carries around two princess dolls and will not go anywhere without them.
She is growing into such a big girl and has a heart to match it! We Love You Kaester!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am getting bigger!

"I am getting bigger!" is what Madelyn says every morning after she has her bowl of her new favorite cereal...

She loves the crunchy granola and honey flavored flakes! She has asked for it every morning this week and also asks if it is going to make her bigger and I reply in my most enthusiastic voice "Yes! It will make you bigger and stronger!" She wants to grow up and be bigger so bad!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fruit, fruit and more fruit

This last Wednesday for an Enrichment Night we learned how to make fancy fruit trays and how to do it fast. Last night I was invited to go to a party and asked to bring a fruit tray so I put my newly learned skills to the test. Here is what came of it...
The Instructor really emphasized the importance of wearing rubber gloves when cutting. After my two battle wounds next time I will be taking her advice.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One of my Favorite Things!

One of my favorite blogs is beingfrugalisfabulous.com!!! The lady who runs this blog is sooo good at finding really good deals, coupons, and free things and then posting them for the rest of us to reap the savings!! Here are my last two purchases.

This purchase was originally $5.00 and something and I got all of this for $1.00

This is my purchase from today (5 boxes of cereal, 2 boxes of granola bars, 2 gummy fruit snack bags, hand sanitizer, clorox wipes). All of this was originally $35.49 and I got it for $8.74. That is a savings of 76% (disclaimer: One of the gummy snacks not pictured. We ate it in the car on the way home)

Here is Madelyn reaction (actually she just wanted her picture taken)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Joy School Here We Come!

Today was Maddy's first day of Joy School. She had a wonderful time! She will be going to class two days a week with five other kids her age and the mothers will be trading off with the teaching responsibilities.
I am really excited to have one on one time with Kaelyn before this next baby comes in January. Kaelyn and I went to the library today for toddler story time and without her sister she was so different. She was doing so many of the movements to the songs and standing right at the librarians feet while she was reading them stories. This is hopefully going to be our little outting on Tuesdays when Maddy is away. She did miss her sister. She kept asking "Where's Sista?" and didn't understand when I told her school so she would ask the question again.
I am glad we joined this joy school group! Maddy is playing and learning with friends her age and Kaelyn and I are spending one on one time together. We love Joy School!