Thursday, September 11, 2008

Calling all little mommies!

Calling all little mommies between the ages of 2 and 5 who have visited the Dougherty Residence in the last month! Is this your baby? We mommies at the Dougherty home have been taking really good care of this precious baby (as you can tell from the photos).

Mommy Maddy can be found swinging the baby in the swing, feeding her, and playing with her over ALL of her other babies. Mommy Kaelyn has even showed interest in her by showering her with many slobbery kisses and brightening up at the sight of her.

However we feel it our duty to return this baby to her rightful mommy who is probably missing her dearly. We have enjoyed her presence in our house, but the other baby dolls have been feeling neglected by how fond both mommies have grown to her. If this is your baby (bald head with brown eyes and she came with no clothes) please let us know so we can return her to her rightful mommy.

1 comment:

M-McClellan said...

That looks like it belongs to us. If there are no takers that definitely could be ours. Plus it is naked, the way Payton likes all of her dolls. (I don't get it. We found your dinosaur in the toy box. We will have to switch someday soon!