Thursday, December 11, 2008

We Love Santa Claus!!

Jay and I took the girls to see Santa last Friday. We thought Madelyn would be too scared to sit on Santa's lap , but she did and asked for presents for Christmas. Then a friend of ours (Brother Stringham or "S") in our ward came over to watch a show on Monday night with Jay dressed as Santa from a party. Maddy was still awake so we brought her out to see Santa. The reaction and look on her face to see Santa in "her" house was absolutely adorable. She has been talking about it for days. In fact last night she sat on the couch, said ho, ho, ho and then asked me to sit on her lap. I did and as I was getting up she proclaimed, "Mommy your fat! You gotta big butt!" Where did my sweet two year old learn the "B" word. AHHH!!! And hopefully she won't be that frank and truthful with anyone else. Anyway here are some cute pictures from our visit with Santa and when Santa came to our house.


Tara L. said...

How fun. I tried to get Lindsay to sit on Santa's lap but she didn't want anything to do with him. Maybe next year. Cute Pictures and S makes a great Santa.

Unknown said...

I was just thinking about S the other day...he'd be such a fun Santa! And, about the frankness, on one of our flights at Thanksgiving there was a heavy set woman sitting behind us (Grandma aged, definitely not pregnant). While we were all waiting for our turn to exit the plane Carter looked right at her and said, "Mom, that lady has a big belly like yours!" It was awesome.